basalt paving flooring batu coble stepping driveway pijakan
Produsen Batu Alam Jogja basalt paving flooring batu coble stepping driveway pijakan.
Finishing permukaan terlihat kasar alami batu pecah belah dan di haluskan agar tidak tajam jika bersentuhan dengan kulit secara langsung, akan tetapi tetap merasakan teksture permukaan batu yang alami, dengan ukuran siku menggunakan pemotongan mesin.
Dapat di gunakan sebagai paving alas lantai luar ruangan, pijakan dan jalan kendaraan bermuatan beban berat sekalipun, awet tidak mudah pecah apalagi terkikis dengan pergantian musim setiap tahunnya.
Jogja Natural Stone Manufacturer basalt paving flooring stone coble stepping driveway footing. The surface finish looks natural rough broken glass and smoothed so as not to sharp when in contact with the skin directly, but still feel the natural stone surface texture, with the size of the elbow using cutting machine. Can be used as a paving mat for outdoor flooring, footing and road vehicles with heavy loads though, durable not easily broken let alone eroded by the changing seasons each year.
Jogja Natural Stone Manufacturer basalt paving flooring stone coble stepping driveway footing. The surface finish looks natural rough broken glass and smoothed so as not to sharp when in contact with the skin directly, but still feel the natural stone surface texture, with the size of the elbow using cutting machine. Can be used as a paving mat for outdoor flooring, footing and road vehicles with heavy loads though, durable not easily broken let alone eroded by the changing seasons each year.
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